And So It Begins!!!

“Examine all things,  hold on to that which is good.” ¹

It seems my whole life I have been interested in examining myself and what is going on about me.  I was ignorant about a lot of things but I wanted to learn.  From a young age I often felt confused and pained but I seem to have in the back of mind the question, “Is there another way life could be going?”   Yes, I am melancholy!

I do believe any and all things can be examined.   I believe the only bad question is the one that is not asked.  I also see that the kind of answers I get depends on the questions I ask. 

I want to find the good.

In my journey, I have discovered three things I need in life.  1) I need to have an identity, 2) I need a connection to people and to something greater than myself and 3) I need a personal authority.

In my searching for these,(even though I did not know that is what I needed or wanted) I have found them in Love, Law and Liberty.

So that is what this blog is attempting to explore. 

Everything I know, appreciate and am grateful for I have learned from others.  I want to listen,  especially to the sanguine.

And So It Begins!!!

1 I Thessalonians 4:15